online events

No One Knows Their Blood Type: An Online Book Launch

Join us for the international online launch of the novel No One Knows Their Blood Type by Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, translated by Hazem Jamjoum.

Find us Sunday, October 13, at 12 noon ET (Cleveland time), register here:

Qs? Write h.plum [at] csuohio [dot] edu. Hope to see you!


“There’s a remarkable coiled power to this slim novel—it moves in unexpected directions, its characters’ lives tossed about by the collision of history and personality.” KAMILA SHAMSIE

No One Knows Their Blood Type rejects the impulse to hyper-explain Palestinian life, instead taking the reader into the inner lives of characters shaped by the exile and instability that have come to define the Palestinian condition. There are no perfect victims here. Instead, we get intimate, honest portraits of actual human beings, in their kindness and cruelty, their failure and triumph. The masterful English translation is a triumph of language over trauma. Through and through, this is a story told by Palestinians, for Palestinians. Now, more than ever, we deserve to tell our stories.” EMAN ABDELHADI

No One Knows Their Blood Type offers a gripping, textured vision of what it can feel like to be human amidst colonial dehumanization. In this novel, the deep disruptions of war and oppression sharpen universal family complexities and prod the young Palestinian women at the novel’s center to examine their own places in the world. I loved this tender, troubling book.” KATHARINE BEUTNER