Leila Chatti

Announcing the 2020–2022 Anisfield-Wolf Fellow in Writing & Publishing

We’re thrilled to share the news that the poet Kamden Hilliard will be joining us as the next Anisfield-Wolf Fellow in Writing & Publishing

It’s been a terrific two years with Leila Chatti, our current & inaugural fellow. Warmest thanks to Leila for sharing her time and work with our press and with the city of Cleveland—and congratulations on Deluge, just out from Copper Canyon Press! 

For their support of this fellowship, we want to thank Karen Long and the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards, the Cleveland Foundation, our advisory board (Hayan Charara, Kima Jones, Janice Lee, Adrian Matejka, and Prageeta Sharma), the CSU English department, and all the people & organizations who make Cleveland’s literary life so vibrant and inspiring. We’re delighted to welcome Kam. 

Kam is a Black, nonbinary settler from Hawai’i and author of three chapbooks, most recently henceforce: a travel poetic (Omnidawn Books, 2019). They are thankful for support from the Davidson Institute, Sarah Lawrence College, the UCROSS Foundation, Callaloo, and the University of Iowa. Kam earned a BA in American Studies from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa and an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. They study surveillance, race, queerness, and American politics. You can find Kam’s writing in West BranchBlack Warrior Review, and Tagvverk. Formerly, they are upset, a teacher, and a scholar. Currently, they are the 2020–2022 Anisfield-Wolf Fellow in Writing and Publishing. Forever? Find ’em on the internet at kamdenihilliard.com.
