


Liz Waldner




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Liz Waldner was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and raised in rural Mississippi. She received a B.A. in philosophy and mathematics from St. John’s College. She is the author of Play (Lightful Press, 2009), Trust (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2009); Saving the Appearances (Ahsahta Press, 2004); Dark Would (the missing person) (University of Georgia Press) winner of the 2002 Contemporary Poetry Series; Etym(bi)ology (Omnidawn Press, 2002); Self and Simulacra (2001), winner of the Alice James Books Beatrice Hawley Prize; A Point Is That Which Has No Part (2000), which received the 2000 James Laughlin Award and the 1999 Iowa Poetry Prize; and Homing Devices (1998). Her awards include grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Boomerang Foundation, and the Barbara Deming Memorial Money for Women Fund. She has also received fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center, the Djerassi Foundation, and the MacDowell Colony.

“Liz Waldner’s Trust is a book I’ve been waiting to read for years. Political in the extreme, deliciously crafted, as menacing as it is hysterical, as intellectually sophisticated as it is laugh-out-loud funny, this book ought to be written in silver pen on bathroom stalls, sent as gold records to outer space, or written in gin on a glass-top table in your favorite karaoke bar. Slip a copy into your shoulder-bag and take it wherever you go.” — Kazim Ali 

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Academy of American Poets

Believer Magazine

Galatea Resurrection

The Constant Critic

Gently Read Literature