Peter Maurin & other poems

Peter Maurin & other poems


David Craig




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David Craig has published nine collections of poetry: The Sandaled Foot (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 1980), Psalms (Park Bench Press, 1982), Peter Maurin and Other Poems (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 1985), Marching Through Gaul (Scripta Humanisitica, 1990), Only One Face (White Eagle Coffee Store Press, 1994), The Roof of Heaven (Franciscan University Press, 1998), Mercy’s Face: New & Selected Poems, 1980-2000 (Franciscan University Press, 2000), Sonnets from Matthew (Franciscan University English Department, chapbook, 2002). David Craig has an M.F.A. and Ph.D. from Bowling Green State University. He has taught Creative Writing as a Professor at the Franciscan University of Steubenville for almost twenty years. 

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Idylls Press

Franciscan University of Steubenville