A Clear Space on a Cold Day

A Clear Space on a Cold Day
Roger Mitchell
0914946552 (PB)
091494665X (HB)
Roger Mitchell is the author of numerous books of poetry, including Letters from Siberia and Other Poems (1971), A Clear Space on a Cold Day (1986), Braid (1997), Delicate Bait (2003), which won the Akron Poetry Prize and Lemon Peeled the Moment Before: New & Selected Poems 1967–2008(2008). He has also published a work of nonfiction, Clear Pond: The Reconstruction of a Life (1991), which won the John Ben Snow Foundation Prize. Other honors and awards include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Indiana Arts Commission, and the New York Foundation for the Arts. A former director of the M.F.A. program at Indiana University Bloomington, Mitchell currently lives in the Adirondack Mountains of New York with his wife, the writer Dorian Gossy.
“Roger Mitchell, like all good writers, is not one thing but is many: he is wise, affectionate, rueful, judicious, eccentric. But above all he is funny and he is tender, qualities that make his poetry concentrically pleasurable. Whether he writes about Walt Whitman, bus stations, Howard Johnson restaurants, or the little ecstasies of family life, Roger Mitchell proves himself to be a remarkable poet. That has never been so true as it is in A Clear Space on a Cold Day.” –Dave Smith
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